PPC qualified lead ATTRIBUTION for redzed lending solutions

Conversion Tracking

The Challenge

Increase PPC spend but also ensure more qualified leads.

RedZed Lending Solutions are leaders in their field when it comes to self-employed commercial or residential mortgage lending. However, before engaging Drake Content they had always struggled to justify the spend they were making on social and google advertising. Was it working? Were the leads valuable? How could they possibly increase their spend when they didn't know ifit was generating a ROI?

Enter: Drake Content and multi-touch attribution.

The Results

Attributable lead source and an increase in lead volume

Not only did we significantly increase lead volume across Facebook, Instagram and Google, we also worked alongside RedZed's sales and IT team to integrate attribution tracking with their Salesforce CRM.

You don't increase spend unless you know its working.

Drake Content doesn't just create ads and let them run for the sake of using your monthly budget. When we see something is not working, we prefer to ask the question as to "why".

In the case of RedZed we tested, iterated and worked along their sales team to create a Qualified Lead dashboard with allowed us to track what key search terms, ads and campaigns were performing the best so that we could optimise our spend accordingly.